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System Scaling

Scaling Computing Systems to serve large numbers of users while maintaining good response times involves several technical techniques that optimize resource utilization, distribution, and management.


Scaling Concepts


Scaling Techniques

Load Balancing

Load Balancing distributes incoming traffic across multiple servers or services to prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed.

  • Round-Robin: Distributes requests sequentially to each server in turn.

  • Least Connections: Routes traffic to the server with the fewest active connections.

  • IP Hashing: Routes requests based on the user’s IP address to maintain session stickiness.

Horizontal Scaling (Scaling Out)

Adds more servers or instances to handle increased load.

  • Distributed Systems: Breaks tasks across multiple nodes that work together to handle a large volume of requests.

  • Auto-Scaling: Automatically adds or removes instances based on demand using tools like AWS Auto Scaling or Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.

Vertical Scaling (Scaling Up)

Involves increasing the resources (CPU, RAM, storage) of a single server to handle more load.


Stores frequently accessed data in a fast-access location (memory) to reduce load on the backend servers.

  • In-Memory Caching: Uses systems like Redis or Memcached to store and serve frequently used data, reducing the need to query databases.

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): CDNs distributes static assets (images, videos, CSS, etc.) across multiple geographically distributed servers for faster load times.

  • Database Query Caching: Caches frequently queried data within the database to avoid repeated costly queries.

Database Sharding

Splits a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces (shards), each handling a subset of the data.

  • Range-Based Sharding: Each shard contains a range of data (e.g., by date or ID range).

  • Hash-Based Sharding: Data is distributed across shards based on a hash function.

  • Geo-Based Sharding: Distributes data based on geographic location to serve users faster by accessing local shards.


Divides large datasets or systems into smaller, more manageable pieces that can be processed independently.

  • Database Partitioning: Partitions a large table by key, range, or hash to optimize read/write performance.

  • Message Queue Partitioning: Splits message queues into partitions to process messages concurrently across multiple consumers.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices breaks monolithic applications into smaller, independent services that communicate over APIs.

  • Service Decomposition: Divides application logic into microservices that scale independently.

  • Event-Driven Architecture: Uses message brokers like Kafka or RabbitMQ to decouple services and handle asynchronous I/O events.

Data Replication

Replicates data across multiple databases or regions to reduce latency and improve availability.

  • Master-Slave Replication: A single master database handles writes, and multiple read replicas handle reads.

  • Master-Master Replication: Allows multiple master nodes to handle both reads and writes, often in different geographic locations.

  • Multi-Region Replication: Replicates data to different regions to reduce latency for geographically distributed users.

Asynchronous Processing

Offloads time-consuming or non-critical tasks to background jobs to avoid blocking real-time operations.

  • Task Queues: Uses scheduling task queues like Celery or Sidekiq to process jobs asynchronously in the background.

  • Message Queuing: Systems like RabbitMQ or Kafka queue and process tasks asynchronously.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDNs distributes static content to edge servers close to the user to reduce latency and improve response times.

  • Edge Caching: Serves static assets (images, CSS, JavaScript) from cache servers geographically closer to the end-user.

  • Dynamic Content Acceleration: Some CDNs also cache or accelerate dynamic web page content.

Database Optimization

Tuning database configurations and queries for optimal performance under high loads.

  • Indexing: Uses indexes to speed up database queries.

  • Connection Pooling: Reuses database connections to reduce the overhead of creating new ones for each query.

  • Query Optimization: Query Optimization refactors inefficient SQL queries or uses database query analyzers to identify slow queries.

NoSQL Databases

Use NoSQL databases for scenarios where horizontal scaling and flexibility are more important than strict consistency.

Eventual Consistency

Sacrifice immediate data consistency in distributed systems for higher availability and scalability.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing run functions on-demand without managing servers, scaling automatically based on the number of requests.

  • FaaS (Function as a Service): Uses services like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Azure Functions to automatically scale functions in response to events.

  • Event-Driven Execution: Triggers functions in response to specific events (e.g., API requests, file uploads, etc.).

Distributed Caching

Distributes cached data across multiple servers to prevent any single cache node from becoming a bottleneck.

  • Consistent Hashing: Distributes cache data across servers in a way that minimizes the need to redistribute data when servers are added or removed.

  • Cache Invalidation: Ensures caches are updated correctly when underlying data changes to avoid serving stale data.

Edge Computing

Edge Computing pushes computing resources closer to the users or data sources to reduce latency and data transmission bandwidth.

  • Local Processing: Runs computations at edge devices or servers close to the end-user.

  • Real-Time Data Processing: Uses edge nodes to process data in real-time, reducing the need for round trips to central servers.

Optimizing Front-End Performance

Reduces the time it takes for content to render in the web browser to improve user-perceived performance.

  • Minification: Reduces the size of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files by removing unnecessary characters.

  • Lazy Loading: Defers the loading of non-critical resources (e.g., images or scripts) until they are needed.

  • Bundling: Combines multiple JavaScript or CSS files into a single bundle to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Concurrency Control

Manages multiple simultaneous requests to shared resources to ensure consistency and prevent race conditions.

  • Locking Mechanisms: Uses optimistic or pessimistic locking to manage access to shared data.

  • Database Transactions: Ensures atomic operations within a database so that all changes are completed or none at all.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

Controls the number of requests users or systems can make within a certain period, protecting the system from overload.

  • API Rate Limiting: Implements rate-limiting policies on APIs to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage.

  • Throttling: Slows down or deny requests from users or systems making too many requests.

Data Partitioning and Aggregation

Splits data across multiple storage units or compute clusters and aggregates results when needed.

  • Distributed SQL Queries: Uses distributed SQL engines like Presto or Google BigQuery to execute queries across many partitions and aggregate results.

  • MapReduce: MapReduce splits large data processing tasks into smaller sub-tasks (Map) and aggregate results (Reduce).