Fourier Analysis
In Fourier analysis general functions are represented or approximated by sums of simpler trigonometric functions.
These functions are named after Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) who applied them to areas such as:
heat flow such as conduction (energy transfer between objects in physical contact) and convection (energy transfer between objects and their environment)
dimensional analysis of relationships between physical quantities by identifying their base quantities (e.g., length, mass time) and units of measure
A Fourier transform:
finds the trigonometric functions to fit the target function/form
converts a signal from time to frequency domain
Use of Fourier analysis and transforms in Machine Learning include:
Signal processing such as cryptography, EEGs, ECGs, speech, and music
Image processing such as image analysis, enhancement, and recognition
Python Example
To download the code below, click here.
""" computes the one-dimensional n-point discrete fourier transform """ # Import needed libraries. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plotlib # Set parameters. number_of_interval_values = 32 # Arrange evenly spaced values within a given range. intervals = np.arange(number_of_interval_values) print("Intervals:") print(intervals) # Use the interval numbers as angles in radians for input to creating sines. sines = np.sin(intervals) print("Sines:") print(sines) # Compute frequencies in cycles per unit of spacing. frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(intervals.shape[-1]) print("Frequencies:") print(frequencies) # Compute a one-dimensional n-point discrete Fourier Transform. transform = np.fft.fft(sines) print("Transform:") print(transform) # Plot the transform. plotlib.xlabel('frequencies') plotlib.ylabel('transform values') plotlib.plot(frequencies, transform.real)
The output is shown below:
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31]
[ 0. 0.84147098 0.90929743 0.14112001 -0.7568025 -0.95892427
-0.2794155 0.6569866 0.98935825 0.41211849 -0.54402111 -0.99999021
-0.53657292 0.42016704 0.99060736 0.65028784 -0.28790332 -0.96139749
-0.75098725 0.14987721 0.91294525 0.83665564 -0.00885131 -0.8462204
-0.90557836 -0.13235175 0.76255845 0.95637593 0.27090579 -0.66363388
-0.98803162 -0.40403765]
[ 0. 0.03125 0.0625 0.09375 0.125 0.15625 0.1875 0.21875
0.25 0.28125 0.3125 0.34375 0.375 0.40625 0.4375 0.46875
-0.5 -0.46875 -0.4375 -0.40625 -0.375 -0.34375 -0.3125 -0.28125
-0.25 -0.21875 -0.1875 -0.15625 -0.125 -0.09375 -0.0625 -0.03125]
[-0.12398729 +0.j -0.11736871 -0.1221137j
-0.09387743 -0.27507089j -0.03616682 -0.52608284j
0.14242961 -1.16878622j 4.29256337-15.01495666j
-0.71822454 +1.61608763j -0.47775765 +0.78333198j
-0.40480425 +0.51029458j -0.37055807 +0.36771593j
-0.35128126 +0.27598033j -0.33935953 +0.20919154j
-0.33162773 +0.15629097j -0.32655861 +0.11166443j
-0.32334958 +0.07206136j -0.32156745 +0.0353622j
-0.32099544 +0.j -0.32156745 -0.0353622j
-0.32334958 -0.07206136j -0.32655861 -0.11166443j
-0.33162773 -0.15629097j -0.33935953 -0.20919154j
-0.35128126 -0.27598033j -0.37055807 -0.36771593j
-0.40480425 -0.51029458j -0.47775765 -0.78333198j
-0.71822454 -1.61608763j 4.29256337+15.01495666j
0.14242961 +1.16878622j -0.03616682 +0.52608284j
-0.09387743 +0.27507089j -0.11736871 +0.1221137j ]