
A server is a computer program or device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called clients in a Client-Server Architecture. Many Machine Learning processes are accessed via servers.

Python Example

Python server details can be found here.

To download the code below, click here.

# Import the needed server package code.
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler

# Set global variables for parameters from the server start command.
server_address = None
port_number = None
start_parameter_n = None

# Define a callback class and methods to handle HTTP requests.
class RequestHandler:
    # Define the HTTP headers.
    def _set_headers(self):
    # Define the OPTIONS method. 
    def do_OPTIONS(self):
        # Import the system package.
        import sys
        # Set the response code.
        # Set the response headers.
        self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
        self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS")
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
        self.end_headers( )
        # Write the file.
        # Flush the standard output.
        sys.stdout.flush( )
    # Define HTTP methods that will be supported, such as GET, POST, etc.
    def do_GET(self):
        # Import the system package.
        import sys
        # Import the package of functions that will process the HTTP request.
        import processing_functions
        # Reference the global start command parameters.
        global start_parameter_n
        # Execute the HTTP processing initial function.
        processing_functions.initial_function(self, start_parameter_n)
        # Flush the standard output.
        sys.stdout.flush( )

# Define a function to start the HTTP server.
def start_server( ):
    # Import needed packages.
    import argparse
    import SocketServer
    import sys
    # Reference the global parameters.
    global server_address
    global port_number
    global start_parameter_n
    # Add start command arguments to a parser.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( )
    # Retrieve argument values from the start command.
    args = parser.parse_args( )
    server_address = args.server_address
    port_number = int(args.port_number)
    start_parameter_n = args.start_parameter_1
    # Instantiate a server request handler.
    request_handler = RequestHandler
    # Instantiate a TCP server.
    server = SocketServer.TCPServer((server_address, port_number), request_handler)
    # Start a server that will remain active after processing a request.
    server.serve_forever( )

# Execute the start server function.
start_server( )