Model Categories
Machine Learning models use mathematical concepts, structures, and algorithms to produce analytic and predictive results. The table and diagrams below provides a framework for understanding the types and varieties of these models using a number of grouping dimensions.
In the table: x indicates usage, X indicates the most common usage:
Base Models
Base Models are characterized by their fundamentally different approaches to Machine Learning and fall into two groups - graphs and relationships.
Choosing a model can depend on factors such as:
application - type, applicable models
data - magnitude, type
models - white/black box, flexibility, fit to application and data, model capabilities and extensions
libraries - availability, ease of use, programming languages supported
These models are based on data graphs.
Artificial Neural Networks
probabilistic movement between graph nodes
conditional dependencies between random variables
These models are based on data relationships (correlation & dependence).
Cluster Analysis
continuous function relationships
stochastic processes
collections of random variables that have a multivariate normal distribution
Model Comparisons
Which type of model to use for a given application can involve a number of factors. For example, consider the diagram below which relates selects comparison factors to aspects of modeling:
Accuracy - how well a model measure of the closeness of predicted values to desired values
Big Data - how well a model performs using large sets of training data
Fitting Efficiency - how efficiently a model handles the Bias-Variance Tradeoff
Image Recognition - how well a model performs image recognition
Interpretability - how easy it is to understand how input values relate to predicted values
Memory Efficiency - how efficient a model is in using memory
Natural Language Processing - how well a model performs natural language processing
Parallel Processing Utility - how well a model leverages parallel processing capabilities
Pattern Recognition - how well a model performs pattern recognition
Performance - how well a model performs using Confusion Matrix measures
Prediction Efficiency - how efficient a model is in prediction processes
Simplicity - a measure of how easy it is to understand a model and its processing
Small Data - how well a model performs using small sets of training data
Training Efficiency - how efficient a model is in training processes
A spreadsheet can be used to compare weighted and unweighted factors across models as shown in the example below.
To download the spreadsheet for customization, click here.
The factors chosen are based on observations from a variety of articles comparing Machine Learning Models.
The models, factors and their associated weights are examples that should be modified based on the application for which comparisons are being made.